- Fundraising
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- Equity capital markets
CYBERGUN is a global player in firearms replica under license, qualified and labelled “Innovative Company” by Bpifrance. Made of plastic or metal, the SOFTAIR or AIR SOFT GUN distributed by CYBERGUN, are dummy firearms that shoot plastic 6mm bullets with a power of less than 2 joules. SOFTAIR guns by CYBERGUN are absolutely harmless. World leader in recreational shooting, CYBERGUN has recently extended its offer to the market of special designed training replicas for the French Police and armed forces (French Gendarmerie).
Thanks to an ambitious portfolio of around thirty major brand licenses, most of which are exclusive to the world, CYBERGUN offers its clients the perfect replicas of the most prestigious firearms: DESERT EAGLE, COLT, SIG SAUER, FAMAS, KALASHNIKOV, etc.
CYBERGUN generated sales of € 32 M for the year ended March 31, 2018. CYBERGUN is listed on EURONEXT GROWTH Paris (FR0013204351 – ALCYB).
ATOUT CAPITAL, also Listing Sponsor, advised CYBERGUN for its public offer of € 10.2 M, most of which was a debt to equity swap, notably with RESTARTED INVESTMENT, the first and main shareholder of the group.
The objective of this capital increase is to further reduce the Group’s debt and to provide additional resources to finance its development, including (i) its expansion in the military field through the acquisition of a production unit in a NATO country to produce an innovative weapon with a renowned arms manufacturer; and (ii) the implementation of an industrial partnership in Asia for civilian activity.