- Fundraising
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- Equity capital markets
Created in 2012 and headed by Gérard Bonvicini, VALONEO is specialized in the treatment of organic waste by pyro-gasification.
The patented, proprietary technology turns dry or partly dry organic material into a clean gas which can be used as a competitive substitute to natural gas.
Developed in partnership with the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) and developed by VALONEO, the “Pyrowatts” uses the latest patented pyro-gasification technology. The size of the machine and its capacity (between 1 500 and 15 000 tonnes per year) provides a decentralized solution to industrial plants and local authorities, thus enabling them to manage their own waste material and energy needs. From tests carried out the use of Pyrowatts has resulted in important cost reductions.
The amount of money invested for the development is about €900 000. The company now intends to accelerate its commercialization.
ATOUT CAPITAL advised VALONEO for the direct listing of the company on the Marché Libre of EURONEXT, Paris.
This first stage should allow the young company to increase its visibility and eventually enable it to move to Alternext, thus obtaining funding from the market to help its development.
ATOUT CAPITAL (CIF n° E 001758 with the AMF) is a financial services consulting firm providing services to small and medium-sized businesses. It specializes in equity financing operations (IPO, private placements, secondary offerings), M&A (takeover bids, industrial transactions, LBO), debt financing (IBO, bank and private) and insolvency proceedings.